Welcome to Your Electronic Training Site!

I have provided this site for you, dear trainees, so you can study our lessons whenever, wherever you have access online. The lessons are arranged in order of importance, so I suggest that you complete the manual by starting with Typing Tutor and ending with the Telemarketing lesson.

Each session may contain more than one topic, as in the case of the English Tutor site, and you do not need to study all of the lessons there. I suggest you focus on Subject-Verb Agreement and Tenses of the Verb lessons before trying the other topics (note: S-V Agreement is found by clicking on the Grammar Book link). On the other hand, Phonetics Lessons are taken up with headsets so better make sure that you have one ready. Culture trainings will give you trivia and fun facts about the U.S. and the U.K., while Customer Service, Debt Collections, and Telemarketing lessons are provided to give you ideas on the three basic types of calls in the realm of Call Centers.

At the end of your training, you will undergo two (2) certification calls: Customer Service
and Telemarketing, and they are made available online as well for your advance readings. You can study the contents of the certification sites so by the time you are taking the exams, you will be familiar with your subject, which will make the examination easier for you.

Your sessions with your live trainer may be short but, hey, that is why this site is here: your e-trainer. This ensures that you'll get continuous training even outside the training room. All you need to do is to have that will to learn and to develop your skills, and you'll be on your way to becoming the best call center representative that you want to be.

But while your here, I only have three things to say:


God Bless you!

--Your Trainer